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Versuri ''Save their lives'' - Luminiţa Anghel, Tony Tomas şi Adrian Piper

Muzica: Eduard Circota
Text: Meli Barta
Interpreţi: Luminiţa Anghel, Tony Tomas şi Adrian Piper
Titlul melodiei: ''
Save their lives'' (In Memoriam Michael Jackson)

Innocent child
You could not shout it all out
Neglect or maybe abused
You didn
't ask for your life
You wish you were dead.

Were leading your life
You've got tears drowning your face
Youre eyes are veiled by your sadness
We shouldn't bruise, hurt or kill you

Save their lives
Make childrens suffering fade
Crying, though,
But only when they are alone

Save their lives
Make childrens suffering go
Crying, though,
But only when they are alone

Save their lives

Save their lives

Show them a world
A playful one
Please guide them through their fears
And ask in your prayers bout how can we, how can we

Save their lives
Make childrens suffering fade
Crying, though,
But only when they are alone.

Saving your soul
Were taking a life in our hands to care of
A child can't choose, please don't deny them
For life-long
All life long

Save their lives
Make childrens suffering fade
Crying, though,
But only when they are alone.

Save their lives
Make childrens suffering go
Crying, though,
But only when they are alone.

Save their lives...

1 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

nu-mi vine a crede,incredibil de frumos atat din punct de vedere artistic cit ci cel transmitator,pe plan social cat si cel sentimental,felicitari speram la cei mai bun pentru romania,bravo luminita cat si celor doi care canta cu tine,succes mai departe si sper ca cei din comisia de seccionare sa va aive macar un pic in vizor,de ce,pentru ca deci avem talente bune in muzica,cat si noi talente inascatoare pot sa zic da in fata voastra celor ce dati tot din voi reprezentand fata romaniei cat mai especiala,inca odata bravo.