Luni, 1 martie, de la ora 21.10, TVR 1 va transmite emisiunea Eurofan, un program dedicat finaliştilor înscrişi în Selecţia Naţională Eurovision 2010 din 6 martie la Circul Globus.
Eurofan va fi mărţişorul-surpriză oferit de TVR celor 16 artişti şi trupe care au, pe parcursul acestui program, ultima ocazie de a fi împreună în faţa telespectatorilor, într-o transmisiune directă, înaintea concursului de sâmbătă.
Sâmbătă, 6 martie, TVR 1 va transmite Selecţia Naţională Eurovision 2010, un spectacol live la finalul căruia va fi aleasă piesa care va reprezenta România la concursul Eurovision în acest an la Oslo.
Piesa câştigătoare va fi aleasă de specialişti şi de telespectatori, în proporţie de 50 % televot şi 50% jurii de specialitate. În premieră pentru selecţiile Eurovision, pentru a se asigura o reprezentativitate naţională, TVR va organiza în acest an cinci jurii de specialitate: în Bucureşti, Cluj, Iaşi, Timişoara şi Craiova, formate exclusiv din specialişti (compozitori, muzicologi, interpreţi, textieri, realizatori sau producători de divertisment radio tv, regizori muzicali tv).
Începănd de joi 18 februarie s-au pus în vânzare biletele pentru Selecţia Naţională Eurovision 2010.
Aceasta se va desfaşura sub cupola Circului din Bucureşti sâmbătă 6 martie. Cei care doresc să-i vadă şi să-i audă cântând live pe cei 16 finalişti o pot face doar cumpărând bilet de la Casa de bilete a Circ & Variete Globus.
Biletele nu se pot achiziţiona sau rezerva telefonic sau on-line.
Valoarea acestora este de 30 de lei.
Programul casei de bilete este de miercuri pana duminică între orele 10.00 - 18.00
Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders, will represent Cyprus at the Eurovision Song Contest Oslo-2010, with the song ''Life Looks Better In Spring''.
In a two-hour show on Sunday night, Cyprus chose Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders as its champion for the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest. The winning song is a ballad called Life Looks Better In Spring, written by Nasos Lambrianidis and Melis Konstantinou, with Nasos Lambrianidis as the lyricist. In the show, the nine finalists performed in front of an enthusiastic studio audience, according to
Artist: Chanée & N'evergreen Song: In A Moment Like This Composed by: Thomas Gustafsson, Henrik Sethsson and Erik Bernholmis
For as long as I remember, for as long as I’ve been blue Everyday since we’ve been parted all I’ve thought about was you Didn’t need the time for sorrow, didn’t need the time for pain What am I supposed to do when living without you was the worst I ever knew?
In a moment like this I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know what you’re looking for I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know if you’ll ask for more Oh, in a moment like this I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know what I have to do I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know how to get to you Oh, in a moment like this
Ever since the day you left me, ever since you went away I’m lost and I don’t know where am I supposed to go, I still miss you so
In a moment like this I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know what you’re looking for I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know if you’ll ask for more Oh, in a moment like this
When I need for you hold me, say you’ll love and never leave me My heart will forever be true
In a moment like this I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know what you’re looking for I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know if you’ll ask for more Oh, in a moment like this I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know what I have to do I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know how to get to you Oh, in a moment like this
Chanée & N'evergreen will represent Denmark at theat the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest which is to take place in Oslo, in May, with the song ''In a moment like this''
Tomas N'evergreen (born Tomas Christiansen in 1969) is an international pop singer from Aarhus, Denmark. He currently resides in Moscow, Russia.
The song ''In a moment like this'', was composed by Thomas Gustafsson, Henrik Sethsson and Erik Bernholmis. The song was the winner of the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix contest, held on 6 February, which selected the Danish entry for Eurovision
What is your opinion about the song ? Leave a comment below
Hera Björk, with the song ''Je ne sais quoi'' will represent Iceland at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest which is to take place in Oslo, in May.
Hera Björk charmed the viewing audience most and got the biggest number of sms- and televotes and will thus be the Icelandic representative in Oslo with ''Je Ne Sais Quoi''.
She represent Denmark in the OGAE Second Chance Song Contest 2009 with song "Someday" and won the first place, and now she will represent Iceland, at the ESC Oslo 2010 .
Sâmbătă, 6 februarie 2010, în cadrul emisiunii '' Ne vedem la TVR'', au fost prezentaţi cei 16 finalişti ai selecţiei naţionale Eurovision România 2010.
Astfel că, în finala care va avea loc pe 6 martie 2010, ordinea de intrare în concurs este următoarea:
Dejan Kukric, Head of Bosnia-Herzegovina Delegation, revealed to the date for the presentation of the song has been changed. If it was set to the 7th of March before, then now it's been postponed to the 14th of March. This makes it the last song to be revealed for the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest.
Also Bosnia-Herzegovina, has reveale the lyrics for Vukašin Brajić's song Munja I Grom (Lightning And Thunder).
Music and lyrics by Dino Šaran
Riječ, još samo riječ Ti ćeš otići do kraja, ja ću izaći iz stana. Bijes, ostaje bijes I ne čini mi se da smo jedno drugom bolja strana, ovih dana.
Suša je svud. Al' tijela koja isto dišu mogu prizvati tu kišu U san, za novi dan Nek' nas opere od grijeha i nek' odnese ih rijeka.
Nek' otopi se led sa usana Da li iko zna za red u srcima Za ruke drže se munja i grom Oduvijek zajedno...
A svi u svijetu svom. I ti i ja. Riječ samo još riječ Sve će otići do kraja, svi će izaći.
Sâmbătă, 6 februarie, de la ora 14.20, telespectatorii vor putea afla, în direct de la TVR 1, ultimele noutăţi legate de Selecţia Naţională Eurovision 2010, eveniment coprodus în premieră de Televiziunea Română şi ziarul Adevărul.
Pentru această ediţie specială, Marina Almăşan -Socaciu, coordonatoarea proiectului Eurovision 2010 şi gazda emisiunii Ne vedem la TVR a pregătit fanilor Eurovision numeroase surprize.
În emisiune va fi lansat un nou concurs pentru fani, finalizat cu premii constând în excursii gratuite la Eurovision 2010, aşa că sunt aşteptaţi în faţa micului ecran cât mai mulţi telespectatori pentru a afla detaliile privind participarea.
Ticket sales for the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest will take off on Monday 8th of February at exactly 9:00 CET. From that moment on, a total of 90,000 tickets can be purchased through Billettservice, both online as well as through their call centre.
Three categories will be made available (A/B/C);
First Semi-Final (live!) - 25 May, 21:00 (doors open at 18:30 and close at 20:15)
Ticket prices: 600 (A), 450 (B), 300 (C) NOK
Second Semi-Final (live!) - 27 May, 21:00 (doors open at 18:30 and close at 20:15)
Ticket prices: 600 (A), 450 (B), 300 (C) NOK
Final (second Dress Rehearsal) - 28 May, 21:00 (doors open at 18:30 and close at 20:15)
Ticket prices: 600 (A), 450 (B), 300 (C) NOK
Final (third Dress Rehearsal) - 29 May, 13:00 (doors open at 10:30 and close at 12:15)
Ticket prices: 600 (A), 450 (B), 300 (C) NOK
Final (live!) - 29 May, 21:00 (doors open at 18:15 and close at 20:15)
Luni, 8 februarie 2010, cele 90 de mii de bilete pentru Eurovision Song Contest - Oslo 2010, se vor pune în vânzare.
Singurul serviciu prin care se vor putea achiziţiona bilete este Billettservice, un site în limba norvegiană. Biletele se pot cumpăra atât online, cât şi prin telefon. Sala va fi împărţită în trei sectoare, A,B,C, preţurile diferind de la sector la sector.
Preţurile la Concursul Muzical Eurovision 2010 sunt următoarele:
Prima semifinală (live!) - 25 Mai, 21:00 (uşile se deschid la 18:30 şi se închid la 20:15)
This Sunday, Host Broadcaster NRK and the EBU proudly present the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest Semi-Final Allocation Draw.
During the Semi-Final Allocation Draw, it will be determined which countries will be represented in which of the two Semi-Finals of the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest. Who will conduct the draw is still Oslo's biggest mystery...
The five pots look like:
Pot 1: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland
Pot 2: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden
Pot 3: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Israel, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine
Pot 4: Armenia, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, the Netherlands, Turkey
Pot 5: Bulgaria, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia
Tune in live for the Semi-Final Allocation Draw, this Sunday at 14:00 CET, on
O bucureşteancă de 50 de ani este câştigătoarea concursului de mascote pentru Eurovisionul din acest an. Juriul a avut o misiune dificilă, aceea de a alege din peste 300 de propuneri trimise din toate oraşele ţării, potrivit
Creaţia desemnată câştigătoare se numeste Eurovi-zâna, iar creatoarea va fi răsplatită cu 500 de euro.
Muzica: Eduard Circota Text: Meli Barta Interpreţi: Luminiţa Anghel, Tony Tomas şi Adrian Piper Titlul melodiei: ''Save their lives'' (In Memoriam Michael Jackson)
Innocent child You could not shout it all out Neglect or maybe abused You didn't ask for your life You wish you were dead.
Were leading your life You've got tears drowning your face Youre eyes are veiled by your sadness We shouldn't bruise, hurt or kill you
Save their lives Make childrens suffering fade Crying, though, But only when they are alone
Save their lives Make childrens suffering go Crying, though, But only when they are alone
Save their lives
Save their lives
Show them a world A playful one Please guide them through their fears And ask in your prayers bout how can we, how can we
Save their lives Make childrens suffering fade Crying, though, But only when they are alone.
Saving your soul Were taking a life in our hands to care of A child can't choose, please don't deny them For life-long All life long
Save their lives Make childrens suffering fade Crying, though, But only when they are alone.
Save their lives Make childrens suffering go Crying, though, But only when they are alone.